Monday, 21 November 2011

Special seminar on "Climate, population dynamics, and forest pestilence"

--Thomas Morrison

Matt Ayres (Professor of Biology at Dartmouth College) will be giving a seminar at 4 pm on Wednesday, November 30 in the Berry Center, room 138, in a special event jointly supported by Environment and Natural Resources, the Zoo-Phys Department and Botany Department.

The title of Matt�s seminar is "Climate, population dynamics, and forest pestilence." The seminar will be preceded by a reception with light refreshments in the Berry Center at 3:30 pm.

Please email me know if you�re interested in meeting with Matt either Wednesday morning (Nov 30) or Friday afternoon (Dec 2).

Matt has a diverse research program, generally exploring spatiotemporal variation in the abundance of forest insects, especially those that are sometimes recognized as pests. Study systems include bark beetles, Lepidoptera, wood wasps, scale insects, phoretic mites, and fungi. More info on his research program can be found here.

Matt is very engaging (see picture of him with Spanish magician/wizard on his homepage) and has broad scientific interests. I think you�d enjoy meeting with him (and vice versa) if you can spare the time.

Matt is also keen to go hiking in the Snowies on Saturday (Dec 3) to see some forest-beetle interactions first hand. Let me know if you might be interested in joining.

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