Thursday 2 March 2017

Botany bill in US Congress

Botany bill in US Congress
This is not the party vs party politics we're all so tired of.  This is about Americans who care about the environment and biodiversity working together to make a better world for future generations.  Contact your representatives to urge support of this bill.  

Below is the full announcement from the Botanical Society of America:

ACTION ALERT: Co-sponsors needed for H.R. 1054 - The Botanical Sciences and Native Plant Materials Research, Restoration and Promotion Act

We are thrilled to announce that The Botanical Sciences and Native Plant Materials Research, Restoration and Promotion Act (aka the �Botany Bill�; bill number H.R. 1054) was introduced by Representative Quigley (D-IL) and co-sponsor Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL) last week! 

Background info: Read the official Billsummary of the main points, and the press release about the Bill from Representative Quigley. To-date, 62 professional organizations have endorsed the bill. Updates on the progress of the Bill can be found on the Plant Conservation Alliance Resources page. You can also track the Bill�s progress.

We need your help!
Now that the Bill has been formally introduced, additional co-sponsors on both sides of the aisle are being sought. If you support the Bill, AIBS asks that you please call your representatives and voice your support for H.R. 1054 AND ask your representative to co-sponsor the Bill. Bi-partisan support will be required for the Bill to be introduced on the floor of the House of Representatives

How to prepare for your call/meeting
The following links provide information to help you prepare for your call/meeting with your Representative.
  1. Talking points on botanical science and native plant issues
  2. Summary of relevant funding language in the Department of the Interior Appropriations Bill 2017 (refer to talking points above for more information).
  3. Tips on meeting with a legislator or member of staff

Note that there is no companion legislation in the Senate yet.

If you have any suggestions for members of the House of Representatives that may be interested in co-sponsoring, or if you would be willing to reach out to your representative directly to let them know about this legislation and ask them to become a co-sponsor, please contact

Find an easy way to take action through the AIBS Legislative Action Center where you just enter your zip code to contact your representative about this Bill.

BSA Office
4475 Castleman Ave.
St. Louis, Missouri 63110
PH 314-577-9566, FAX 314-577-9515
American Journal of Botany -
Applications in Plant Sciences -
Plant Science Bulletin -
Botany Conference -

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